Saturday, July 19, 2014

Rain Rain go away!!

Well maybe not.... We do need rain and what's better than a rainy Saturday to just sew!!

I'll be traveling a bit over the next few weeks, so I am planning on getting caught up on posting my Row by Row progress and a few other things!

I'm also hoping to gather a row or two on my journey!!  

Maybe even getting a few hexies done!!

This is the last one I've completed.  I'm a little behind but with any luck I'll be able to get caught up!

I have my mobile sewing room with me!!  My husband gets such a kick out of telling people I don't leave home without my sewing machine... Even if I have to put it on my motorcycle ....  Hey if it fits.... You can always buy the other stuff !!

Yucky day out there.....

Days like these are awesome to stay in and sew!!  You know the saying.... Make hay while the sun shines.   Well my saying is "Make quilts while the rain comes down!"   

Hope everyone is having a great day!!

Happy sewing!!


1 comment:

  1. Love rainy days for sewing. Today started out that way but then when the sun came out, I HAD to go out in the garden! Have a safe trip and enjoy the journey.
