Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What A Journey

The last few months have been an incredible journey!!

What started out as what I thought was a funny idea....blossomed into a dream come true!!

Once my husband and I decided to create this studio.....the support and guidance we got from Valerie Schlake owner of Virginia Longarm Network, www.virginialongarm.com was unbelievable.  I truly admire and can't say enough about this woman!  Her business sense is phenomenal not to mention her talent and her willingness to provide help to others.  I have learned so much from Valerie over the short time I've known her....I always walk away with something new to use!! 

Next on my thank you list is Michelle Eno!!  Michelle is a fantastic teacher and is also willing to share her knowledge with you!  She has great insight on things and is very patient (I need someone who's patient.....lol).  She is always positive and never gets stressed!  She has taught me a lot, professionally and personally!!  Ok enough of that....this is the part when I start to get teary eyed and overwhelmed with emotion.....usually that's when people start to run.....  :)

Duane and I jumped in head first and once we found a location, we worked many long hours to get ready for our Open House!  Our friend Bruce also pitched in and showed up pretty much every day and lent a hand!!  Thank you Bruce!! 

On one day when we figured we should start adding the class room furniture....we decided to go to IKEA. I love IKEA.....it was a great trip and we got pretty much everything we needed.

Note the space between the tire and the fender......this was the Element prior to loading it......

Note the lack of space between the tire and fender....this was after we loaded it with our IKEA purchases.....

(a picture says a 1000 words)  LOL

We got busy putting our new purchases together.

Duane being quality control.....

Classroom all set up and ready for students!!

Windows done and we got to the big day!!!! 


Time to cut the ribbon!!  I love this picture!!  We all worked so hard to make this day happen and we were happy doing it!!  Can you say TA DA!!!

What a great turn out!!  We had a nice group of ladies to share in the ribbon cutting....

Shortly there after the place was buzzing with activities!!

I had so much fun and got to see a lot of people I know and got to meet a bunch more quilters!!

Every hour we had a give away.....

First winner was:
Sherry .....she came down from Angola, NY!!

Next up.....

Noreen.....from what I understand from several of her friends.....she always wins something!!  I'm glad she was one of my winners!! Noreen is a beautiful person and I'm glad she is in my circle of friends! Let me side track a second and say Happy Veteran's Day Noreen!!  Thank you for serving!! 

Third winner.....

Deby can run...but she can't hide....LOL  just kidding!  Deby wasn't at the studio when I drew her name...but I knew I'd see her at the guild meeting!   I look tired....LOL  well I guess I deserve to be a little tired ....but I'm getting my second wind back....watch out world!

Last but Never least.....Cathy is such a sweetheart!!!  Really fun to be around.....

See the ladies in the background....they were back there planning a retreat!!  Those are my life line buddies that I retreat with twice a year.....family and friends....but all are considered my family!!

I do believe all had a good time!

Here's my hubby getting caught with his hand in the cookie table...LOL  I have such good friends!!  They made such yummy treats!!  What a great bunch my friends are!!  And my bestie Melly....truly out did herself!!  She is not only a wonderful friend but she also bakes like nobodies business!!!  I'm so thankful she is in my life!! 

Annie and my Aunt took a turn playing with the Innova!

Annie taking a turn at Pantovision. 

I think Anut Martha was having a great time running the machine!! 

Another person I need to stop and thank........

Jeff Benedict from Accomplish Quilting www.accomplishquilting.com !  He is also a very important part of this dream coming true!  He stopped by to check out the festivities and I was so touched that he did!!  I know I'm thankful that I stopped by the Accomplish Quilting booth last March.....not sure he knew what he was getting into....LOL   Between Valerie and Jeff....I have learned so much and am so thankful....words can not express it.

But I do know two words that kind of says it all for me these days......

Hope to see you all at the studio very soon!!

Happy Sewing!!!



  1. Jill,
    Congratulations on a great open house, and your new business.

  2. Jill,
    Congratulations on your studio. It is beautiful and the work you did on my quilt was phenomenal. Best of luck with your ventures. Kathie Hall

  3. Thanks!! Hope you are doing well!! Loved your quilt!!!
